Task description
A non-empty array A consisting of N integers is given. The array contains an odd number of elements, and each element of the array can be paired with another element that has the same value, except for one element that is left unpaired.
For example, in array A such that:
A[0] = 9 A[1] = 3 A[2] = 9 A[3] = 3 A[4] = 9 A[5] = 7 A[6] = 9
- the elements at indexes 0 and 2 have value 9,
- the elements at indexes 1 and 3 have value 3,
- the elements at indexes 4 and 6 have value 9,
- the element at index 5 has value 7 and is unpaired.
Write a function:
int solution(vector<int> &A);
that, given an array A consisting of N integers fulfilling the above conditions, returns the value of the unpaired element.
For example, given array A such that:
A[0] = 9 A[1] = 3 A[2] = 9 A[3] = 3 A[4] = 9 A[5] = 7 A[6] = 9the function should return 7, as explained in the example above.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
- N is an odd integer within the range [1..1,000,000];
- each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
- all but one of the values in A occur an even number of times.
Away from Codility tab
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter!=m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
The following issues have been detected: timeout errors.
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end()))
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i])){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i])){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i])){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i])m){
// you can use includes, for example:
// #include <algorithm>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) != v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) != v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) != v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 있으면
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1배열에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<pair<int, int>> v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<pair<int, int> > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<pair<int, int> > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
v1.push_back(A[i], 1);
for(int i=0; i<)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<pair<int, int> > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
v1.push_back(A[i], 1);
for(int i=0; i<)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector< > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
v1.push_back(A[i], 1);
for(int i=0; i<)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
int len = A.size();
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
int len_v1 = v1.size();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
int len_v1 = v1.size();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<v1.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
vector<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int > v1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//vector에 배열이 없으면 v1에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(find(v1.begin(), v1.end(), A[i]) == v1.end()){
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] =
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(!m1.find(A[i]) ){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<pair<int, int>> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; i<)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; i<m1.end(); iter++)
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(int i=0; i<m1.size()){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(int i=0; i<m1.size(); i++){
if(m1[i]->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(int i=0; i<m1.size();){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++/h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
func.cpp:2:25: fatal error: bits/stdc++/h: No such file or directory #include <bits/stdc++/h> ^ compilation terminated.
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
func.cpp: In function 'int solution(std::vector<int>&)': func.cpp:13:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){ ~^~~~~~~~~ func.cpp:22:14: error: no match for 'operator=' (operand types are 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' and 'int') for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ^ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/map:60:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:81, from func.cpp:2: /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/stl_tree.h:178:12: note: candidate: constexpr std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >& std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >::operator=(const std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >&) struct _Rb_tree_iterator ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/stl_tree.h:178:12: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'int' to 'const std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >&' /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/stl_tree.h:178:12: note: candidate: constexpr std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >& std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >::operator=(std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >&&) /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/stl_tree.h:178:12: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'int' to 'std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >&&' func.cpp:22:21: error: no match for 'operator<' (operand types are 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' and 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}') for(iter=0; iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ~~~~^~~~~~~~~ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/regex:62:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:110, from fun
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iterm1.end(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert(A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
func.cpp: In function 'int solution(std::vector<int>&)': func.cpp:13:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){ ~^~~~~~~~~ func.cpp:22:30: error: no match for 'operator<' (operand types are 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' and 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}') for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ~~~~^~~~~~~~~ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/regex:62:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:110, from func.cpp:2: /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:959:5: note: candidate: template<class _BiIter> bool std::__cxx11::operator<(const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&, const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&) operator<(const sub_match<_BiIter>& __lhs, const sub_match<_BiIter>& __rhs) ^~~~~~~~ /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:959:5: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed: func.cpp:22:38: note: 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' is not derived from 'const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>' for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ^ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/regex:62:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:110, from func.cpp:2: /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:1038:5: note: candidate: template<class _Bi_iter, class _Ch_traits, class _Ch_alloc> bool std::__cxx11::operator<(std::__cxx11::__sub_match_string<_Bi_iter, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc>&, const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&) operator<(const __sub_match_string<_Bi_iter, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc>& __lhs, ^~~~~~~~ /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:1038:5: note: templa
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1);
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
func.cpp: In function 'int solution(std::vector<int>&)': func.cpp:13:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare] for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){ ~^~~~~~~~~ func.cpp:22:30: error: no match for 'operator<' (operand types are 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' and 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}') for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ~~~~^~~~~~~~~ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/regex:62:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:110, from func.cpp:2: /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:959:5: note: candidate: template<class _BiIter> bool std::__cxx11::operator<(const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&, const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&) operator<(const sub_match<_BiIter>& __lhs, const sub_match<_BiIter>& __rhs) ^~~~~~~~ /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:959:5: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed: func.cpp:22:38: note: 'std::map<int, int>::iterator {aka std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const int, int> >}' is not derived from 'const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>' for(iter=m1.begin(); iter<m1.end(); iter++){ ^ In file included from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/regex:62:0, from /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h:110, from func.cpp:2: /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:1038:5: note: candidate: template<class _Bi_iter, class _Ch_traits, class _Ch_alloc> bool std::__cxx11::operator<(std::__cxx11::__sub_match_string<_Bi_iter, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc>&, const std::__cxx11::sub_match<_BiIter>&) operator<(const __sub_match_string<_Bi_iter, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc>& __lhs, ^~~~~~~~ /opt/lang/gcc/include/c++/6.2.0/bits/regex.h:1038:5: note: templa
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter!m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter!=m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter!=m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
// you can use includes, for example:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
// write your code in C++14 (g++ 6.2.0)
map<int, int> m1;
map<int, int>::iterator iter;
for(int i=0; i<A.size(); i++){
//map에 없으면 map에 넣기
if(m1.find(A[i]) == m1.end()){
m1.insert({A[i], 1});
m1[A[i]] += 1;
for(iter=m1.begin(); iter!=m1.end(); iter++){
if(iter->second %2 == 1){
return iter->first;
The following issues have been detected: timeout errors.