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Given a string containing words, find the longest word that satisfies specific conditions.
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You would like to set a password for a bank account. However, there are three restrictions on the format of the password:

  • it has to contain only alphanumerical characters (az, AZ, 09);
  • there should be an even number of letters;
  • there should be an odd number of digits.

You are given a string S consisting of N characters. String S can be divided into words by splitting it at, and removing, the spaces. The goal is to choose the longest word that is a valid password. You can assume that if there are K spaces in string S then there are exactly K + 1 words.

For example, given "test 5 a0A pass007 ?xy1", there are five words and three of them are valid passwords: "5", "a0A" and "pass007". Thus the longest password is "pass007" and its length is 7. Note that neither "test" nor "?xy1" is a valid password, because "?" is not an alphanumerical character and "test" contains an even number of digits (zero).

Write a function:

class Solution { public int solution(String S); }

that, given a non-empty string S consisting of N characters, returns the length of the longest word from the string that is a valid password. If there is no such word, your function should return −1.

For example, given S = "test 5 a0A pass007 ?xy1", your function should return 7, as explained above.

Assume that:

  • N is an integer within the range [1..200];
  • string S consists only of printable ASCII characters and spaces.

In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment.

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Programming language used Java 8
Time spent on task 32 minutes
not defined yet