A company has employed N developers (numbered from 0 to N−1) and wants to divide them into two teams. The first is a front-end team with F developers. The second is a back-end team with N−F developers. If the K-th developer is assigned to the front-end team then their contribution is A[K], and if they are assigned to the back-end team then their contribution is B[K]. What is the maximum sum of contributions the company can achieve?
Write a function:
def solution(A, B, F)
that, given two arrays A, B (consisting of N integers each) and the integer F, returns the maximum sum of contributions the company can achieve.
1. Given A = [4, 2, 1], B = [2, 5, 3] and F = 2, the function should return 10. There should be two front-end developers and one back-end developer. The 0th and 2nd developers should be assigned to the front-end team (with contributions 4 and 1) and the 1st developer should be assigned to the back-end team (with contribution 5).
2. Given A = [7, 1, 4, 4], B = [5, 3, 4, 3] and F = 2, the function should return 18. The 0th and 3rd developers should be assigned to the front-end team and the 1st and 2nd developers should be assigned to the back-end team.
3. Given A = [5, 5, 5], B = [5, 5, 5] and F = 1, the function should return 15. The 0th developer can be assigned to the front-end team and the 1st and 2nd developers can be assigned to the back-end team.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
- N is an integer within the range [1..200,000];
- arrays A and B have equal lengths;
- each element of array A is an integer within the range [0..1,000];
- F is an integer within the range [0..N].
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] # there will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in ]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]])
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1]
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] # there will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]])
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1]
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
#There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]])
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1]
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]])
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1]
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting produc
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting productiviy in team1
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0]
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting productiviy in team1
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0] #counting productiviy in team2
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting productiviy in team1
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0] #counting productiviy in team2
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting productiviy in team1
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0] #counting productiviy in team2
return (team1+team2)
def solution(A, B, F):
C=[] #There will be two dimmensioned array where is every element [productivity in A team, difference in productivity]
for x in range(0,len(A)): C.append([A[x]-B[x],A[x]]) #filling C
for x in range(0,F): team1 += C[x][1] #counting productiviy in team1
for x in range(F,len(A)): team2 += C[x][1]-C[x][0] #counting productiviy in team2
return (team1+team2)
The solution obtained perfect score.
N = 20. Some developers have small difference between A[i] and B[i].
N = 300. Some developers have small difference between A[i] and B[i].
N = 200,000. Some developers have small difference between A[i] and B[i].