An array of N words is given. Each word consists of small letters ('a' − 'z'). Our goal is to concatenate the words in such a way as to obtain a single word with the longest possible substring composed of one particular letter. Find the length of such a substring.
Write a function:
def solution(words)
that, given an array words containing N strings, returns the length of the longest substring of a word created as described above.
1. Given N=3 and words=["aabb", "aaaa", "bbab"], your function should return 6. One of the best concatenations is words[1] + words[0] + words[2] = "aaaaaabbbbab". The longest substring is composed of letter 'a' and its length is 6.
2. Given N=3 and words=["xxbxx", "xbx", "x"], your function should return 4. One of the best concatenations is words[0] + words[2] + words[1] = "xxbxxxxbx". The longest substring is composed of letter 'x' and its length is 4.
3. Given N=4 and words=["dd", "bb", "cc", "dd"], your function should return 4. One of the best concatenations is words[0] + words[3] + words[1] + words[2] = "ddddbbcc". The longest substring is composed of letter 'd' and its length is 4.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
- N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
- all the words are non−empty and consist only of lowercase letters (a−z);
- S denotes the sum of the lengths of words; S is an integer within the range [1..100,000].
#finding array index based on letter
def array_index(a):
return (ord(a)-97)
def solution(words):
#initializing two dimmensioned array with results it have 26 elements(amounts of letter in alphabeth)
#and 4 elements for every letter, where is 1st is maximal prefix lenght, 2nd - amount of elements in
#strings that consists of same letter, 3rd - maximal suffix, and 4th is biggest lenght of prefix in
#word where is suffix and prefix are exactl same. and middle is longest substring at any place
results = [[0] * 4 for i in range(26)]
#checking word after word
for word in words:
#if word cosist of one letter then adding 1 to strings that consist of same letter
if len(word)==1: results[array_index(word)][1] +=1
#otherwise counting lenght of substrings
letter=word[0] #first symbol of word
#if current symbol is not same
while (c<len(word)):
if letter!=word[c]:
#changing symbols for searching substring
middle=max(middle,count) #checking/saving longest substring
if n==0: n=count #saving if it prefix as prefix
count=0 #voiding substing symbol counter
c+=1 #increasing letter number
count+=1 #increasing substring lenght counter
m=count #saving suffix when loop is ended
#adding lenght to result array if string included same symbol.
if (count==len(word)): results[array_index(word[0])][1] += count
#otherwise sorting our results
#if suffix and prefix strings have different letters, then saving both
#if theirs values bigger then ones at resulsts array
if word[0]!=word[-1]:
results[array_index(word[0])][0]=max(results[array_index(word[0])][0], n)
results[array_index(word[-1])][2]=max(results[array_index(word[-1])][2], m)
#if suffix and prefix have same letter
#if prefix is bigger, then trying to save it in resulsts otherwise saving suffix
if (n>m):
if (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
elif (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
#is suffix is bigger then doing it in opposite way
if (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
elif (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
#if them are equal then saving value at 4th element if it is bigger then previous one
#and adding smaller value of 4th element to suffix or prefix
n, results[i][3] = min(n,results[i][3]), max(n,results[i][3])
if (results[i][0]<=results[i][2]) and (results[i][0]<n): results[i][0]=n
elif (results[i][2]<results[i][0]) and (results[i][2]<n): results[i][2]=n
#counting and returning results
for x in results: m=max(m, (sum(x)-min (x[0] ,x[2], x[3]) ) )
m=max(middle,m) #comparing result also to longest substring
#finding array index based on letter
def array_index(a):
return (ord(a)-97)
def solution(words):
#initializing two dimmensioned array with results it have 26 elements(amounts of letter in alphabeth)
#and 4 elements for every letter, where is 1st is maximal prefix lenght, 2nd - amount of elements in
#strings that consists of same letter, 3rd - maximal suffix, and 4th is biggest lenght of prefix in
#word where is suffix and prefix are exactl same. and middle is longest substring at any place
results = [[0] * 4 for i in range(26)]
#checking word after word
for word in words:
#if word cosist of one letter then adding 1 to strings that consist of same letter
if len(word)==1: results[array_index(word)][1] +=1
#otherwise counting lenght of substrings
letter=word[0] #first symbol of word
#if current symbol is not same
while (c<len(word)):
if letter!=word[c]:
#changing symbols for searching substring
middle=max(middle,count) #checking/saving longest substring
if n==0: n=count #saving if it prefix as prefix
count=0 #voiding substing symbol counter
c+=1 #increasing letter number
count+=1 #increasing substring lenght counter
m=count #saving suffix when loop is ended
#adding lenght to result array if string included same symbol.
if (count==len(word)): results[array_index(word[0])][1] += count
#otherwise sorting our results
#if suffix and prefix strings have different letters, then saving both
#if theirs values bigger then ones at resulsts array
if word[0]!=word[-1]:
results[array_index(word[0])][0]=max(results[array_index(word[0])][0], n)
results[array_index(word[-1])][2]=max(results[array_index(word[-1])][2], m)
#if suffix and prefix have same letter
#if prefix is bigger, then trying to save it in resulsts otherwise saving suffix
if (n>m):
if (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
elif (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
#is suffix is bigger then doing it in opposite way
if (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
elif (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
#if them are equal then saving value at 4th element if it is bigger then previous one
#and adding smaller value of 4th element to suffix or prefix
n, results[i][3] = min(n,results[i][3]), max(n,results[i][3])
if (results[i][0]<=results[i][2]) and (results[i][0]<n): results[i][0]=n
elif (results[i][2]<results[i][0]) and (results[i][2]<n): results[i][2]=n
#counting and returning results
for x in results: m=max(m, (sum(x)-min (x[0] ,x[2], x[3]) ) )
m=max(middle,m) #comparing result also to longest substring
#finding array index based on letter
def array_index(a):
return (ord(a)-97)
def solution(words):
#initializing two dimmensioned array with results it have 26 elements(amounts of letter in alphabeth)
#and 4 elements for every letter, where is 1st is maximal prefix lenght, 2nd - amount of elements in
#strings that consists of same letter, 3rd - maximal suffix, and 4th is biggest lenght of prefix in
#word where is suffix and prefix are exactl same. and middle is longest substring at any place
results = [[0] * 4 for i in range(26)]
#checking word after word
for word in words:
#if word cosist of one letter then adding 1 to strings that consist of same letter
if len(word)==1: results[array_index(word)][1] +=1
#otherwise counting lenght of substrings
letter=word[0] #first symbol of word
#if current symbol is not same
while (c<len(word)):
if letter!=word[c]:
#changing symbols for searching substring
middle=max(middle,count) #checking/saving longest substring
if n==0: n=count #saving if it prefix as prefix
count=0 #voiding substing symbol counter
c+=1 #increasing letter number
count+=1 #increasing substring lenght counter
m=count #saving suffix when loop is ended
#adding lenght to result array if string included same symbol.
if (count==len(word)): results[array_index(word[0])][1] += count
#otherwise sorting our results
#if suffix and prefix strings have different letters, then saving both
#if theirs values bigger then ones at resulsts array
if word[0]!=word[-1]:
results[array_index(word[0])][0]=max(results[array_index(word[0])][0], n)
results[array_index(word[-1])][2]=max(results[array_index(word[-1])][2], m)
#if suffix and prefix have same letter
#if prefix is bigger, then trying to save it in resulsts otherwise saving suffix
if (n>m):
if (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
elif (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
#is suffix is bigger then doing it in opposite way
if (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
elif (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
#if them are equal then saving value at 4th element if it is bigger then previous one
#and adding smaller value of 4th element to suffix or prefix
n, results[i][3] = min(n,results[i][3]), max(n,results[i][3])
if (results[i][0]<=results[i][2]) and (results[i][0]<n): results[i][0]=n
elif (results[i][2]<results[i][0]) and (results[i][2]<n): results[i][2]=n
#counting and returning results
for x in results: m=max(m, (sum(x)-min (x[0] ,x[2], x[3]) ) )
m=max(middle,m) #comparing result also to longest substring
#finding array index based on letter
def array_index(a):
return (ord(a)-97)
def solution(words):
#initializing two dimmensioned array with results it have 26 elements(amounts of letter in alphabeth)
#and 4 elements for every letter, where is 1st is maximal prefix lenght, 2nd - amount of elements in
#strings that consists of same letter, 3rd - maximal suffix, and 4th is biggest lenght of prefix in
#word where is suffix and prefix are exactl same. and middle is longest substring at any place
results = [[0] * 4 for i in range(26)]
#checking word after word
for word in words:
#if word cosist of one letter then adding 1 to strings that consist of same letter
if len(word)==1: results[array_index(word)][1] +=1
#otherwise counting lenght of substrings
letter=word[0] #first symbol of word
#if current symbol is not same
while (c<len(word)):
if letter!=word[c]:
#changing symbols for searching substring
middle=max(middle,count) #checking/saving longest substring
if n==0: n=count #saving if it prefix as prefix
count=0 #voiding substing symbol counter
c+=1 #increasing letter number
count+=1 #increasing substring lenght counter
m=count #saving suffix when loop is ended
#adding lenght to result array if string included same symbol.
if (count==len(word)): results[array_index(word[0])][1] += count
#otherwise sorting our results
#if suffix and prefix strings have different letters, then saving both
#if theirs values bigger then ones at resulsts array
if word[0]!=word[-1]:
results[array_index(word[0])][0]=max(results[array_index(word[0])][0], n)
results[array_index(word[-1])][2]=max(results[array_index(word[-1])][2], m)
#if suffix and prefix have same letter
#if prefix is bigger, then trying to save it in resulsts otherwise saving suffix
if (n>m):
if (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
elif (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
#is suffix is bigger then doing it in opposite way
if (results[i][2] < m): results[i][2] = m
elif (results[i][0] < n): results[i][0] = n
#if them are equal then saving value at 4th element if it is bigger then previous one
#and adding smaller value of 4th element to suffix or prefix
n, results[i][3] = min(n,results[i][3]), max(n,results[i][3])
if (results[i][0]<=results[i][2]) and (results[i][0]<n): results[i][0]=n
elif (results[i][2]<results[i][0]) and (results[i][2]<n): results[i][2]=n
#counting and returning results
for x in results: m=max(m, (sum(x)-min (x[0] ,x[2], x[3]) ) )
m=max(middle,m) #comparing result also to longest substring
The solution obtained perfect score.
S - sum of the lengths of words
N = 4, S = 30, each word contains long substring with one letter.
N = 6, S = 50, the longest prefix and the longest suffix occur in the same word.
N = 25, S = 400, each word contains long substring with one letter.
N = 25, S = 400, the longest prefix and the longest suffix occur in the same word.
S = 20,000, each word contains long substring with one letter.
S = 20,000, the longest prefix and the longest suffix occur in the same word.
S = 100,000, each word contains long substring with one letter.
S = 100,000, the longest prefix and the longest suffix occur in the same word.