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Given two strings representing times of entry and exit from a car parking lot, find the cost of the ticket according to the given billing rules.

You parked your car in a parking lot and want to compute the total cost of the ticket. The billing rules are as follows:

  • The entrance fee of the car parking lot is 2;
  • The first full or partial hour costs 3;
  • Each successive full or partial hour (after the first) costs 4.

You entered the car parking lot at time E and left at time L. In this task, times are represented as strings in the format "HH:MM" (where "HH" is a two-digit number between 0 and 23, which stands for hours, and "MM" is a two-digit number between 0 and 59, which stands for minutes).

Write a function:

class Solution { public int solution(String E, String L); }

that, given strings E and L specifying points in time in the format "HH:MM", returns the total cost of the parking bill from your entry at time E to your exit at time L. You can assume that E describes a time before L on the same day.

For example, given "10:00" and "13:21" your function should return 17, because the entrance fee equals 2, the first hour costs 3 and there are two more full hours and part of a further hour, so the total cost is 2 + 3 + (3 * 4) = 17. Given "09:42" and "11:42" your function should return 9, because the entrance fee equals 2, the first hour costs 3 and the second hour costs 4, so the total cost is 2 + 3 + 4 = 9.

Assume that:

  • strings E and L follow the format "HH:MM" strictly;
  • string E describes a time before L on the same day.

In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment.

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