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Calculate the minimum required number of swaps of neighbouring letters in a string built from the letters 'a' and 'b', after which the string would contain both "aaa" and "bbb" as substrings.

You are given a string S consisting of letters 'a' and 'b'. The task is to rearrange letters in S so that it contains three consecutive letters 'a' and three consecutive letters 'b'. What is the minimum necessary number of swaps of neighbouring letters to achieve this?

Write a function:

class Solution { public int solution(String S); }

that, given a string S of length N, returns the number of swaps after which S would contain "aaa" and "bbb" as substrings. If it's not possible to rearrange the letters in such a way, the function should return −1.


1. Given S = "ababab", the function should return 3. The sequence of swaps could be as follows: ababab → abaabb → aababb → aaabbb.

2. Given S = "abbbbaa", the function should return 4. The sequence of four swaps is: abbbbaa → babbbaa → bbabbaa → bbbabaa → bbbbaaa.

3. Given S = "bbbababaaab", the function should return 0. S already contains both "aaa" and "bbb" as substrings.

4. Given S = "abbabb", the function should return −1. It is not possible to obtain the required result from S as there are only two letters 'a'.

Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:

  • N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
  • string S is made only of the characters 'a' and/or 'b'.
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